Law Offices of Stephanie McClure, LLC | A Business & Immigration Law Firm
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Business Law

High-quality legal representation for major corporations, simple start-ups, and everything in between. Your vision becomes ours. Let us help you achieve your goals.

Immigration Law

US immigration laws are constantly changing. If you are considering immigrating to the United States, changing your status, or working in the US, we can help.

Criminal Law

If you have been stopped or questioned by police, have pending charges, or feel you have been wronged by someone, give us a call. You have rights… a lot of them.

24 Hour Call Return

It’s simple.  If you leave a message about your case, your call will be returned promptly; ordinarily on the same day, but surely within one business day. It’s no gimmick…it’s just plain courtesy.

We’re here to help. Give us a call today for your free consultation.